Five Natural Supplements That Help Fight Inflammation

Five Natural Supplements That Help Fight Inflammation

Five Natural Supplements That Help FIght Inflammation


Most people have experienced inflammation in their body at one time or another.  It can be a sore throat or some sort of infection.  Inflammation is the body’s way of healing. Your immune system sends white blood cells to the area to help fight the infection.

Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is long-term inflammation that can last several months to years. Conditions such as arthritis and asthma are examples.  This type of inflammation can lead to other conditions and diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Lifestyle factors such as smoking and obesity can increase your chance of developing chronic inflammation.   Autoimmune disease is associated with chronic inflammation.   My body has somehow gotten it’s signals mixed up.  White blood cells are sent to an area that is actually healthy. This results in good cells getting destroyed.  It is an ongoing battle with inflammation.

Treatments and Options

Many people take NSAID’s or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen to help with the inflammation and any pain associated with it. Taking these long-term can lead to other problems such as gastrointestinal issues and high blood pressure. There are however many foods you can eat to help alleviate symptoms and heal your body.   The anti-inflammatory diet  has been linked with lowered inflammation. In addition to these foods there are supplements that can help fight your inflammation. Below are 5 of the supplements that I use. I purchase some of my supplements through because they offer a quality product at a reasonable rate. Moreover if you use this link to purchase through IHerb you will receive $5 off your first order.

Five Natural Supplements That Help Fight Inflammation:

  1. Turmeric- contains a compound called curcumin which is an anti-inflammatory agent. It also contains more than 2 dozen other compounds that fight inflammation. In addition, turmeric can be used as a spice for cooking or made into tea. The recommended dose is 100-500 mg per day.
  2. Ginger – also used to soothe stomach problems. However in large doses it can cause heartburn so be sure not to take more than 4 grams per day. You can also use ginger in your recipes.
  3. Fish Oil – contains omega 3 fatty acids. The recommended dose is 1-1.5 grams per day.
  4. Resveratrol – found in red wine and grapes and also blueberries. Unfortunately, to get the recommended dose of 150-500 mg a day your would have to drink 3 gallons of wine everyday! Therefore I buy these supplements from Swanson Vitamins.
  5. Chlorella – this supplement is a freshwater algae.  In addition, it  has many benefits beyond fighting inflammation including detoxing heavy metals, radiation and chemotherapy from your body. The recommended dose is 3 – 7 grams each day.

Anyone that has eaten with me can tell you that I do take these five natural supplements that help fight inflammation in my body.  As a result I am able to avoid the strong autoimmune medicines that have many side effects. In addition, I am able to go to work everyday.  I know many people think supplements don’t work.  All I can tell you is that they work for me!

























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2 comments on “Five Natural Supplements That Help Fight Inflammation

  1. I too have an autoimmune disease. I have ulcerative colitis. I had been reading about benefits of turmeric and started including it in my daily routine

  2. Turmeric is a very effective anti-inflammatory food. I take my daily dose through golden milk before I sleep.
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